30. 10 Ways to Boost Staff Morale and Wellbeing

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Schools can be super inspiring and fun or they can be a total downer (trust us, we have seen it all in our teaching careers). It is so important that teachers come to work every day feeling happy and supported because it is crucial for the well-being and overall vibe of the staff. 

When your team at work feel appreciated and enjoys being part of the staff team, that energy reflects in the amazing experiences we create for our students.

Today, we share some of our favourite ways to show teachers and colleagues that you care. We chat about:

  • Providing surprise coffees for staff
  • Leaving amenities baskets in the bathrooms
  • Playing ‘secret agent’
  • Leaving positive notes
  • Setting up a team fitness morning
  • Organising a coffee van
  • Winter soup roster
  • Providing fresh flowers for the staffroom table
  • Teachers dressing in theme
  • 15-minute massages
  • Random raffles for staff prizes
  • Bonus idea: Host a random acts of kindness week

Building a school culture that values each other and teacher well-being is a key to success. Not only will teachers feel supported and valued, but the culture will also rub off on the students in our care.

Before you head off, please share this episode with another teacher. Implementing these ideas is always so much more fun when you have a partner in crime. 


Rainbows ahead,

Ashleigh and Alisha


Resources mentioned in this episode

Free Random Acts of Kindness Flyers

Ready-to-print Teacher Morale templates (find a soup roster, positive notes and staff shoutout wall inside this package). 


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