Are You Ready To Save Hours In Your Teaching Week? 📕

Learn how to transform your teacher time and create space to do more of the things you love!

Discover our 8 areas of focus that will promote efficiency in all aspects of your teacher life

FREE Masterclass

Feeling as though things never get done on your to-do list?

Join this free masterclass where you’ll get simple tips on how to best master your to-do list.

More Strategies to Save Your Teacher Time

Tip 1

Start the term by putting in any important dates or events that will be happening. Forewarned is forearmed!

Tip 2

Got a big project to do? Break it down into smaller tasks and watch yourself make progress!

Tip 3

Turn off all distractions and set a timer for when you need to get something done.

Tip 4

Allocate a time in the day to check work emails. Try before work, midday and before heading home.