Reading Tips

Early Years Ideas

Simple activities to use ongoing throughout the year for Kindy to Year 2.

Primary Years Ideas

Save time planning with these go-to activities for literacy lessons for Year 3 - 6.
Our Digital Course

Early Years Edition
(Kindy - Year 3)

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Are you ready to uplevel your reading group sessions with these 8 strategies.

Reading tips for planning your lesson!

Tip 1

Run your reading groups with only the activities for the first week. This helps you establish expectations + observe students.

Tip 2

Create a system to keep clear records of students reading during sessions. Think short, sharp anecdotal notes.

Tip 2

Don’t reinvent the wheel when it comes to activities. Students need repeated practice of a skill before they master it!

Tip 4

Choose activities in literacy blocks that require limited marking to save you time. Thinks games + hands-on activities.