26. How Music Can Transform Your Classroom And Your Students’ Brains With Ricky

The benefits of music in education

The benefits of music in education have been scientifically proven. Today, we will talk about the practical ways to use this research to create a bigger impact in your classroom. 


Ricky from Amplify Music Education joins us and talks us through all the ways Music is beneficial to the students sitting in your classroom as well as some practical ways we can implement it.


We talk about:

  • How does prior experience in Music (for the teacher) impact teaching and learning in the classroom?
  • What is the importance of teaching Music in the primary classroom?
  • How can a mainstream teacher use Music in their classrooms outside of ‘music lessons’?
  • Some practical ways to implement more Music in your classroom.
  • A deep dive into the music platform Ricky and his team have created at Amplify Music Education.


Ricky’s passion and energy for music is contagious! We hope you love this episode as much as we loved recording it.


Before you head off, please share this episode with another teacher (or even your principal) and help spread the word about how beneficial music can be for our students’ brains.


Rainbows ahead,

Ashleigh and Alisha


Resources mentioned in this episode

About today’s guest:

Ricky is the co-founder of a music education start-up called Amplify which is set to completely change how music is taught in schools. It makes teaching contemporary classroom music accessible for classroom teachers, while ensuring that every student has access to high-quality, inspiring and engaging music lessons that meet the curriculum. Having spent most of his life as the frontman, guitarist and songwriter for his band City Riots, Ricky knows how to put on a show! 



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