Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas

Dear Leadership,
We love our job as teachers, but as you know, it isn’t always rainbows and sunshine.
It is tough out there in the wild…
We want to keep going, keep showing up for our students, keep making a difference in young lives…
But we need positive energy, motivation and recognition to keep going.
Staff Well-being
Sound familiar?
Classroom teaching is all-consuming. We don’t become a teacher for the money or fame (no one can argue that). However, a little thank you from time to time does help fill the tank.
If you are looking for ways to show colleagues that you support staff well-being and appreciate the exceptional job they’re doing, here are a few ideas on how:

1. Celebrate as a team

Celebrate success, goals or staff milestones as a team with something out of the ordinary. For example: Organise a coffee van, have a cocktail/mocktail hour after school, or get a corporate massage team in for a day.
Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations

2. Create a staff book library

This a place where you can share and exchange books (it makes for great discussion around the staff room table as well).
Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations

3. Recognise hard work

Surprise staff and sending an email instead of running a staff meeting. A perfect time to do this is when semester reports are due!

4. Offer to take someone’s class

Just an hour so the teacher can go and view another colleague teach (this one is for leadership).


5. Block in a well-being week every term

This is a community event which means no staff meetings, no parent meetings, no staying back late and no homework! You don’t have to host MORE events during this week, just keep it simple and do less!
Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations

6. Give a Gift

Gift staff a self-care journal, gratitude journal or pay for a self-care app they can add to their phone. These two apps are free for teachers + schools:

Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations


7. Throw a surprise morning tea

Teachers always enjoy a sweet or savoury treat! You could schedule a morning team each month to celebrate everyone’s birthdays. Just knowing this is on the calendar can lift the team’s spirits.
Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations

8. Set up some staff compliment jars

This is a great way to show a bit of extra love for each other. You can make paper versions (see below) or use actual jars with names on them. Everybody loves receiving a compliment!

Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations


9. Create a staff shout-out wall

This is a place to celebrate staff wins, acts of kindness or even achievements outside of work.
Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations

10. Drop random notes

Leave notes on desks or in pigeon holes, so your colleagues know that they are supported.
Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations

11. Create little report survival packages

This will help your colleagues know you are with them in the trenches during report time. You can find these little cars for free here.

Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations


12. Make a staff bingo board

Hang it up in the staff room for everyone to contribute towards. You could include things like: Didn’t jam the photocopier today, drank a HOT coffee, a lesson went off without a hitch etc (anything that celebrates the small wins!)
Building a school culture that values each other and teacher wellbeing is a key to success. Not only will teachers feel supported and valued but the culture rubs off on the students in our care as well.

Save this list to read later by pinning the image below:Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations

If you are a time-poor teacher but want to implement some of these ideas. Check out our ready-to-print resource to promote staff wellbeing at your school.

Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations


One more thing before you go… get your hands on one of our most popular freebies.

Boost Staff Well-being with These 12 Ideas - Rainbow Sky Creations
Kids love playing this game and you are going to love it too because it involves little prep for maximum engagement. Get your copy here.

What to read next…


Rainbow Sky Creations

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