12 Ways to Show Gratitude to your Office Staff

The office ladies* are arguably the heart of a school and its day-to-day running! We couldn’t live without them. *Note: we understand that office staff can be of any gender, it just seems that ladies totally kick arse in this job!!

If there is any advice we give when new teachers begin their careers or when teachers are changing schools, it is to show your office staff some love. Learn their names, say thank you, and be gracious (always). They are so important and you want them on your side.

As teachers, we feel we have a tough job (and we totally do), but those working in the office to support us also have a job that requires skill and unconditional patience. That is why we created this blog post. They need to know how grateful we are and how important their role is in keeping the school cogs turning.

So without further chatter, here are some ways we suggest you can show gratitude to the amazing peeps working in the school office:

1. Leave surprise coffees on their desk.

Thanks a melon sticky note

2. Write them positive notes, it can be a simple sticky note on their computer or a note you attach to something else you need to send to the office.

3. Gifts! This doesn’t need to break the bank. You could ask everyone to contribute a gold coin and you would have enough to purchase a bunch of thank you flowers, a movie ticket, or a voucher for the local coffee shop. If you want something a little more creative, check out these wine bottle labels!

4. Find out how they have their cuppa, and deliver them a hot tea during recess.

5. Band together as a staff and make them a ‘love jar’ – inside everyone needs to write one thing that they love about them. Ask the students to deliver it or leave it as a surprise on their desk.

6. Acknowledge ‘Secretary Appreciation Day’ (1st Friday in May in Australia), Administrative Professionals Day (first full week in April in the US) or Educational Support Personnel Day (16th May in Australia). Throw them a morning tea, ask students to make cards or decorate their desks and computers.

7. Give them a shout out in your school newsletter, at assembly, over the PA system, or on your school social media pages so they feel acknowledged and know that they are a vital part of your school community.

8. Make an extra fuss when celebrating them on their birthday.

9. Include office staff in staff awards or staff member of the week traditions.

10. Bring in fresh flowers from your garden that they can enjoy in their office space.

11. Round up a few teachers during lunch and relieve the office staff so they can socialise in the staffroom, especially when there is a birthday morning tea or celebration. We don’t want them always missing out on the fun!

12. Finally, if you like to have a bit of fun, make them a TikTok in honour of them and send it to all the staff via email.

thank you sticky note to show gratitude


How do you make your office ladies* feel special? We would love to hear ideas from our Rainbow Sky community!


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