New Teachers FREEBIE Hub – 5 Incredible Resources

Our mission here at Rainbow Sky Creations is to empower new teachers.

We remember what it was like during those first few years and we want you to know that you are not alone! Keep reading for the freebies…

New Teachers FREEBIE Hub

Because we love supporting new teachers, we have created some freebies designed to support and guide you through your first years in the classroom (we know it is so hard to explain teacher life to those that haven’t been there before).

Grab what you feel will be helpful and bookmark this page so you can come back again when you need to. These freebies are going to help you all year long. Also make sure you are following us on Instagram and TikTok, we are ALWAYS sharing new teacher tips that we have learned over the years.

Freebie 1: Yay, I’m a teacher… Now what do I do?

It is so exciting getting your first job, but then the reality hits… what next? Am I out of my depth? Who is going to help me?

This freebie is a workbook that pages of tips, tricks and checklists to get you started in the teaching world!

If you don’t read on any further make sure this is the New Teacher freebie you grab!

New teachers freebie
Click here new teachers

Freebie 2: Take our quiz

Take a free quiz to find out which stage you are at on your New Teacher journey.

You’ll get a super handy free resource and the next steps to help you figure out your next phase, next move, next evolution when it comes to teaching.

New teachers who have taken the quiz love that they get a personalised success plan (plus it will take you less than 5 minutes!)

New teachers quiz
Click here New teachers

Freebie 3: Surviving your First Years

This guide is best for when you begin your teaching job. It includes:

⭐️ Steps to rock your first years in the classroom

⭐️ A Term Planning checklist

⭐️ Activity suggestions for the first day back after holidays

⭐️ Accreditation info and…

⭐️ Our famous teacher ‘To Do’ list template!

Basically, you are looking at a pocket sized new teacher mentor.

New teachers freebie
Click here button new teachers

Freebie 4: 8 Tips to run Reading Groups effectively

One concern we hear from new teachers year in, year out is they are stuck on how to set up and run their reading groups. Running reading groups in a class full of eager and active little people isn’t always the easiest of tasks. Learn our 8 tips for efficiently running reading groups by grabbing this freebie.

New teachers reading groups freebie
Click here button new teachers

Freebie 5: Advice from teachers that have been there before

Hindsight really can be insightful, but time travel is currently impossible. So, that is why we spoke to the experienced teachers in our community. We asked them one simple question: What do you wish you could tell yourself as a new teacher?

We compiled everything they shared with us into categories so it is easy to digest. Grab your copy to enjoy with a coffee here.

New Teachers all over the world have enjoyed this freebie.

New teachers advice freebie
Click here button New teachers

Finally, if you are a preservice teacher, we have got you covered too! Grab a FREEBIE especially for your stage here.

Preservice teachers freebie


New teachers – we are so happy you found us! Support is such an important element to beginning teacher success.


We want you to think of Rainbow Sky as your teaching cheerleaders, because we are dedicated to supporting you to help you have the best first year ever (and beyond)!


If you have loved this and are looking for more beginning teacher goodness? We have put all our blog posts that are dedicated to new teachers here!


See you on TikTok and the gram!


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