8 Top Technology Tools for Teachers to Streamline Workload

What are the top technology tools for teachers that will help streamline the massive workload? As a primary school teacher, managing your workload effectively is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and providing quality education to your students. 

Fortunately, advancements in technology have brought forth a multitude of tools that can help streamline your tasks and enhance your teaching experience. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top technology tools for teachers can leverage to make their workload more manageable.

Computer and desk - Technology tools for teachers

8 Technology Tools for Teachers

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Have you heard of any of these technology tools for teachers?

  • Google Classroom
  • Schoology or
  • Canvas

These learning management systems offer a centralised platform for organising and delivering course materials, assignments, and assessments. These tools simplify communication with students, facilitate online discussions, and provide a seamless way to distribute and collect assignments digitally, reducing paperwork and saving time.

Technology tools for teachers


Productivity and Organisation Tools

Technology tools for teachers like Trello, Asana, or Todoist can help you stay organised by managing your to-do lists, setting reminders, and tracking progress.

These platforms allow you to prioritise tasks, collaborate with colleagues, and meet important deadlines and responsibilities.

We use Trello here at Rainbow Sky Creations and it is fabulous for keeping track of tasks, projects and to-do lists.

Teachers writing reports collaboratively / Technology tools for teachers

Assessment and Grading Tools

Streamline your assessment and grading process with technology tools for teachers like:

  • Kahoot
  • Quizlet or
  • Socrative

These platforms enable you to create interactive quizzes, assessments, and surveys, automating the grading process and providing immediate feedback to students. They also offer features that help you track student progress and identify areas for improvement.

Technology tools for teachers


Digital Note-taking and Documentation 

Evernote, Microsoft OneNote, or Google Keep are digital note-taking tools that allow you to create and organise lesson plans, meeting notes, and other important documents.

These technology tools for teachers make it easy to access and share your notes across multiple devices, ensuring that essential information is always at your fingertips.

Google keep logo

Communication and Parent-Teacher Collaboration

Establish effective communication with parents and facilitate collaboration with tools like:

  • Remind
  • ClassDojo or
  • Seesaw

These platforms enable you to send announcements, share updates on student progress, and engage parents in their child’s learning journey. They also provide features for sharing photos, videos, and portfolios, fostering a strong home-school connection.

Technology tools for teachers

Digital Content Creation

Engage your students with interactive presentations, videos, and digital content using tools like Nearpod, Edpuzzle, or Flipgrid.

These online technology tools for teachers allow you to create multimedia-rich lessons, add interactive elements, and assess student understanding in real time.

Incorporating dynamic content can make your lessons more engaging and cater to different learning styles.

Overcoming New Teacher Worries

Time Management and Focus

Try these technology tools for teachers to help you manage your time effectively and maintain focus:

  • Forest
  • RescueTime or
  • StayFocusd 

They provide features like Pomodoro timers, website blockers, and activity trackers, enabling you to allocate time for specific tasks, limit distractions, and monitor your productivity.

We recommended the Pomodoro method inside our membership Transform Your First Years as our monthly time management strategy and have received positive feedback. 
8 Top Technology Tools for Teachers to Streamline Workload - Rainbow Sky Creations

And finally, AI

We have been using Chat GPT lately, but your preferred AI site could be helpful in planning lessons, differentiating for students and assisting you with paperwork requirements. There are loads of AI tools made for teachers including:

  • TeachMateAI
  • EduAide.Ai
  • Slidesgo

Find what works best for you!

Technology tools for teachers


As a primary school teacher, embracing technology tools can significantly alleviate your workload and enhance your teaching experience.

Like any new thing, we suggest giving yourself a little time to become familiar with a platform’s features before making a final decision. Tools like this empower you to streamline tasks and focus on what matters most—providing quality education to your students! 


Before you go, get your FREE copy of our 8 Time-Saving Tips for Teachers



 What to read next:

Strategies to reduce staff meeting fatigue

10 planning hacks that will save you time

Time Management Tips – Part 1



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