Early Career Teachers: 7 Things We Wish We Knew

When you first start teaching in your very own classroom, it can be overwhelming. Both of us here at Rainbow Sky Creations felt this way too as early career teachers. There is so much to learn, so much to do, and so much to remember!

“I vividly remember being told a million things each morning and wondering how I was going to store all of that in my brain to action WHILE looking after 30 Year Four students at the same time” -Ashleigh RSC

Hindsight is an amazing thing because it gives us perspective.

So let us help you jump a few steps by listing some of the things we wish we knew as early career teachers:

1. It is always okay to ask for help

Perhaps more importantly, accept help when it is offered. No one expects you to know it all straight out of uni or even if you have been teaching for just a few years. Reframe asking for help as an opportunity for learning, not a weakness. Plus, teachers love to help – take advantage of that!

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2. Keep things simple

When we are overwhelmed or even excited as early career teachers, it is really easy to overcomplicate things. The simpler your systems and lessons are, the greater likelihood that you and your students will feel successful. Also, try not to get caught up in all the fads you see online; although they can be inspiring and motivating, you can’t do ‘all the things’ all at once.test alt text

3. Prioritise your to do list

“I would feel like I was making momentum, but then after each weekly staff meeting, my to-do list would continue to grow with new things to learn and understand.” Alisha RSC

A lot is expected of us as teachers, resulting in a long list of things we need to action or get done. Not everything on your list is created equally – try to rank your to-do list to get what is most important done first.

We like to think about these things when working out what is most important on our teacher to do list:

If you want more help mastering your to do list so you are the most productive version of yourself, check out our free masterclass here.

4. Find a mentor you can trust

We often undervalue the impact a good mentor can have in our lives, especially as early career teachers. A mentor is someone who you can go to for advice, share your wins with, express frustrations to and/or workshop solutions to problems. It doesn’t always have to be someone at your school either; you may have an old supervising teacher from a prac you are still in contact with, a family friend who is a teacher or even a person you can connect with online.


We run an exclusive mentor program designed for new teachers. We only open the doors twice a year, click here to join us or jump on the waitlist and be the first to hear when it reopens.

5. Good teachers are life-long learners

The best teachers you will come across in your career will all have one thing in common, they know that they don’t know it all. They are always open to learn and try new things. Education is constantly evolving, so as professionals, we need to do the same. It is also a good way to work on our professional Growth Mindset skills. test alt text

6. Self-care is imperative for success

As educators, we are renowned for caring, nurturing and putting others needs before our own. Due to this, it is so important that we take the time to attend to our needs and recharge our emotional, mental and physical battery packs so we are prepared and ready for the challenges life throws our way.

Self-care comes in many different shapes and sizes. Click here to read more about making self-care a priority in your teacher life.

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Quote card created by Laura Jane Illustrations x The Teaching Tools

7. Believe in yourself

As early career teachers, we wish we believed more in ourselves and our abilities. You will not be new forever, and before you know it, you will be that experienced teacher who is mentoring and helping others.test alt text



We hope some of these tips and tricks that we discovered along the way are helpful to you as you navigate your journey as an early career teacher. Remember, you’re not alone in this adventure!


One more thing before you go…

Do you wonder how experienced teachers do ‘All the Things?”

You can too with…


Go from New to Experienced Teacher— without spending years trying to figure it out on your own – with our membership especially for new teachers!

We know how overwhelming teaching can feel when you’re just getting started.

That’s why we’re on a mission to show YOU how to CONQUER all your biggest challenges!

In Transform Your First Years, we provide you with everything you need to know (from masterclasses, templates, checklists, to teaching resources)—so you can finally stay on top of the teaching workload using a proven approach that works!


This membership is designed to not only help you with the nitty-gritty of everyday teacher life but also provide you with a supportive community of other teachers who are in exactly the same position as you. A place where questions, big or small, are celebrated.

We only open the doors twice a year! Click here to sign up or jump on our waitlist.

What to read next…

New teachers – we want you to KNOW these things

10 Things Successful Teachers have in common

Preparing your Classroom – Should, Could and Don’t

Rainbow Sky Creations


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