How to Implement Something New in the Classroom

Teachers are always learning, right? However, along with the learning often comes a time when we want or need to implement something new into our classrooms.

Sometimes this can be daunting. We have also found ourselves many times being asked to try something new by the leadership team, but feeling lost on how and where to start.

When we teach something new to our students, we always break it down into small bite-sized chunks, and the same goes for us.

If it is time to try something new that you just havenโ€™t had the courage to do yet, take these small steps to help you get started:

1. Read about it

Firstly, reading and knowing the research behind what you want to try to implement is important. It will help you understand the importance of what you are doing and what you want to achieve with your students. There are also loads of places you can go online to read about how educators may have tried the same thing.How to Implement Something New in the Classroom - Rainbow Sky Creations

2. Make one small change

Instead of looking at the bigger picture, make one small change to start. Sometimes changing everything can be overwhelming for you and the students and you donโ€™t want to be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Remember – slow and steady wins the race.

3. Ask other teachers

Once you have made one small change, ask other teachers what they think or what they have done in their experience. Collaboration is key. If you donโ€™t have colleagues or teacher friends to ask, perhaps try a Facebook group for teachers or look for some helpful blog posts about the topic.

4. Build on it

Now you have read about it, made one small change and asked some colleagues about it; it is time to build on what you have been doing. By this point, you should be armed with a couple of ideas for the next best steps to take.How to Implement Something New in the Classroom - Rainbow Sky Creations

5. Take a risk

Good learners are risk-takers, and that applies to us as educators. Try something completely left of field and see what happens. You will either be successful or will learn what to do better next time. How to Implement Something New in the Classroom - Rainbow Sky Creations

6. Ask for feedback

Finally, feedback and reflection are important. Reflect and evaluate the changes you have made, ask your students for some feedback, and then set yourself some long-term goals to work towards and evaluate.How to Implement Something New in the Classroom - Rainbow Sky Creations

Everything was new to us once. Changing and growing is what makes us successful and impactful educators. What new thing are you going to try?

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How to Implement Something New in the Classroom - Rainbow Sky Creations

Speaking of learning new things, the learning curve as a new teacher is HUGE! We remember it like it was yesterday!

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What to read next:

Time Management for Teachers

Tips to Eliminate Teacher Stress

Wellbeing Ideas for the Classroom

How to Implement Something New in the Classroom - Rainbow Sky Creations

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