5 Ways to bring Kindness into the Classroom

There are many highs and lows in life, as well as in the chosen career path of an educator. Due to the many people who cross our paths, their worlds will have an impact on us which can be enriching but also draining at times.

5 Ways to bring Kindness into the Classroom - Rainbow Sky Creations

Without a doubt, teaching our young students about the importance of kindness is more relevant than ever. Here at Rainbow Sky Creations, we have been passionate about creating resources to make this easy for teachers for a while now.So, with that in mind, we have put together some teaching inspiration, ideas, and suggestions on how to encourage acceptance of others and to celebrate the differences in our classrooms through KINDNESS.

1. The Kindness Campaign

Pin up these tear-off flyers around your school or local community to encourage random acts of kindness. This free resource even includes a blank template for students to get creative and make their own flyers!

2. Integrate into lessons

There are so many ways you can integrate kindness into your lessons. They don’t need to be anything fancy. A quick lesson break that asks students to reflect on one way to be kind to others and then swap ideas with a friend, giving students a post-it note and asking them what kind words they have used today or asking them to contribute two ideas to a class Y chart, are all quick and easy lessons that don’t require much preparation. At the end of the day ask students to share how someone was kind to them, or how they showed empathy to someone.

If you are looking for more detailed lessons that integrate kindness check out our free Bucket Filler activity or ready-to-print Kindness pack.

3. Create a school focus

Creating a focus across the school will bring a central focus to kindness but will also allow you to collaborate with your colleagues and share creative ideas. We are currently doing this at my school. We have a daily random act of kindness the students aim to achieve (we have cheated and are using the ideas from the tear-off flyers). We are encouraging students to ‘dob’ each other in for kindness!

It is also an opportunity to start the kindness movement in your staffroom too.

4. Display reminders

Schools are bright, happy places. Let’s face it, most teachers love a good banner or display. Place reminders of kindness around your classroom. Daily reminders will encourage and remind students to be the kindest versions of themselves.

This year a colleague (known as Mr Robinson) and I have been pinning up random banners around the school for the teachers and students to enjoy. Not only do they brighten the school but they spread positivity. Grab a copy of your free kindness banner here.

5. Read about it

There are so many books suitable for all ages that narrate the importance of kindness in our world. Some of our favourites are:

Have you Filled a Bucket Today by Carol McCloud

Enemy Pie by Derek Munson

The Very Hungry Bear By Nick Bland

Be Kind by Pat Zietlow Miller

Whoever You Are by Mem Fox

– We’re all Wonders by R J Palacio

A classroom and school community brings together all sorts of different people. Through exposing them to lessons in kindness, we are offering them and our world a gift.

Want to see all our Kindness Resources in one place. Click this link to take you there!

What to read next:

How I implemented Growth Mindset into my classroom

Encouraging Gratitude in the Primary Classroom

Kindness at Christmas – ideas and a freebie


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