The SEL Resource You Can’t Miss Out On

One thing we are super passionate about here at Rainbow Sky HQ is creating resources that support teachers and students with their social and emotional learning.

We all know that our role as teachers isn’t just about rigour and knowledge – our job is to develop and nurture the whole child in our classroom.


It was a cool summer afternoon when we created the SEL resource we are going to tell you about today. We were deep into prep for the back to school season. Suddenly, the inspiration started flowing and we were wildly texting each other back and forth.

The discussions started with how we could give our students individual access to Growth Mindset affirmations and then it quickly morphed into a multi-purpose desk tag that not only did that but provided a space to change our delivery of individual goals – and so our Growth Mindset Desk plates were born (version 1.0).

The SEL Resource You Can’t Miss Out On - Rainbow Sky Creations

“If I had to buy these a fresh every year I would! That is how awesome they are!” Lisa

Nowadays, we wouldn’t consider setting up our classrooms without this SEL resource and here are the reasons why:

1. They place importance on goal setting and creating individual goals that are achievable. It is important to teach kids that goals don’t always need to be a huge transformation. Small goals that are achieved can be changed frequently and lead to big results!


2. The goals are right in front of students so they can see and refer to them consistently throughout the day or while they are working. Due to the desk tag positioning, they are a constant reminder of a commitment to grow.
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Goals can be academic or behavioural


3. Student goals can be changed easily and frequently (see point 1!) We like to send the post notes home once the students successfully achieve a goal. That way they can discuss and celebrate with their family as well.test alt text

Toucan themed desk plates


4. The Growth mindset affirmations on the tags can also double as daily affirmations (this was recommended by a teacher who wrote to us. We thought it was so clever because it is using the language your students are already familiar with plus we are all for reusing resources over and over here at Rainbow Sky Creations).


5. They are a kid-friendly tool for students to begin to use growth mindset reminders independently and without assistance – they provide the language and a scaffold for them.
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The Original Growth Mindset Desk Tags


6. These tags can be used for a range of age groups. We have seen them successfully used in classrooms from Grade 1 through to Grade 6.


7. Teachers can have one on their desk to model goal setting and Growth Mindset (we have done this ourselves many times in the classroom and in our home offices).test alt text

Watercolour Growth Mindset Desk Tags


8. They give students ownership over their personal goals. The aim is for students to be engaged in the goal making process and achievement of those goals. They are also a good way to showcase learning goals when parents come to visit.


9. It is another opportunity for students to see their names in the classroom and feel a sense of belonging. The more a child sees their name in the classroom environment, the more they are going to feel ownership over the space. (We have read that a child should see their name at least 3 times in the classroom but we are not sure if this is evidence or research-based).
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Modern Rainbow Desk Tags


10. Finally, although not academic, there are lots of designs to match your decor – because a good looking classroom that you and your students feel happy in is important!



Tip for flexible seating: We have had teachers want to use these desk plates but have flexible seating classrooms. One teacher wrote to us and decided to dedicate a central place in her classroom where the students could have their own tag pinned on the wall. We thought that was a great idea. We have also created these affirmation tags (without the goals) especially for flexible seating classrooms.

❤️ It isn’t just us, other educators adore this resource too❤️

“The perfect spot for a sticky note is great for passwords, uplifting messages, or student lists.” Megan

“Great resource to continuously refer back to when students weren’t always positive about themselves or their work.” Rebekah

“These desk plates were a great reminder for my students to work towards their goals. The motivational words were very encouraging!” Melanie


“I was looking for something simple that wouldn’t overpower my students’ desks. This nameplate is perfect! It’s been one week of school and we’ve already loved pointing out the affirmations. We’ll be making our goals this week and I can’t wait for them to be easily accessible for my kiddos.” Serendipitous Teaching


“Made these for my students to take home and have on their desk for Distance Learning. Looking forward to using the file again when we get back into the classroom.” Alicia

Do you need these Growth Mindset Desk Plates in your classroom too?

Click on the designs below:

The Original

Cactus and Succulent

Watercolour Brights

Soft Pastel

Toucan themed

Modern Rainbow

Neutral Blush Rainbow

Rainbow Splash



We are super passionate about Growth Mindset but we know it is not easy implementing all these new things into the classroom. So we wrote a free eBook to help! It is full of actionable tips, strategies and advice to help you get started or even level up your Growth Mindset game. Grab your free copy here.test alt text

What to read next:

Wellbeing activities to support Kids

Growth Mindset in the Classroom

What is ‘The Gratitude Project?’

Listening to Reading – Listening Ideas for Literacy Rotations

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